Angry Mishka – A charmingly annoying D&D NPC
Mishka is a sentient cloud of high intelligence, quirky habits, and dreadful social skills. A unique and lovable NPC to give headaches to your players.
Two-fifths of an inch – A short story about rites & beasts
A short story of a young huntress undergoing her Rite of Passage, and her first encounter with Harrasaems—the wild beasts of the northern tundras.
A story of a deadly DnD encounter – The Mortal Chase
An ancient blue dragon chased a mid-level party almost killing them. This is the story of a deadly DnD encounter, and the steps and benefits of running one.
Statfield – DnD Adventure location #3
Can you race against harvesters and save sacred elven fireflies?
5e supplement (1) automaton (1) bard (1) blades in the dark (5) cloud (1) creature (1) encounter (2) frog-folk (1) goblin (1) item (2) monster creating (2) solo play (4) story (9) turtle-folk (1)
“Tiny footsteps are made giant when the purpose is immortalized.”
Osorin Wildwind